Wednesday, February 17, 2010

they say the good things in life belong to those who believe it, so i believe it

Mos Def challenges me to think twice about the so-called facts of life that have been ingrained into our minds by people who believe that control is the only way to change.

Faith is like love, it cannot be forced.

whenever i listen to mos i am challenged to 'be strong and not aggressive', to not only be polite but to have compassion for the kind of people we wouldn't normally look at twice. to appreciate the lady who cleans up after your meal at the restaurant. the guy washing cars for a living. the guy on the street hustling for change. these people could be my mother or father or sister or brother.

" Well, from my understanding people get better when they start to understand that, they are valuable. And they not valuable because they got a whole lot of money or cause somebody think they sexy but they valuable cause they been created by God and God makes you valuable. "

- Mos Def

True that.

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