How did you get into music? what was your first musical experience?
I got into music as young as the age of nine where I had an old gramophone at home with records of the beatles, bee gees, chicago and queen playing in the living room with tunes such as heart of gold (neil young) and Kenny rogers playes on the local radio. I used to collect cassettes and finally I got hold of a pair of drumsticks when I was 13 and took a non formal drumming class in a temple. It was my grandma’s chopsticks and Chinese incense bronze looking pot, which made me go insane on drums until I help her to sell candles and incense inside a nearby temple for pocket money in exchange for sticks. I got into my first punk rock band named Cereal Box in early 2001, I was the drummer for the moment and we often play school prom night shows, campfires and some KL shows.
It was during a show in 2005 (LMB,Cassandra,dvs) where I was on hunger for good music (sic) that I decided to drive alone without license to bloody hartamas(that time no Google maps),I start(ed) my journey in the wee hours of the morning. i even pushed the car with my bare hands and sped off in silence. It was something I planned of much earlier and I was stoked upon my arrival at the show. Also I almost knocked the barricade while driving back due to sleepiness but in all it was a worthwhile trip.
- pretty much engkau curi mak punya keta! terbaik! - jonny
What is Melaka’s scene like?
Melaka is a historical place (with bangunan lama dan makanan sedap) and the scene has been around in 98 or 99 where homegrown boys such as Kelp, hanging drop and dump dweebs(punk rock) had been gigging around the local circuit. One of the prominent jamming studio at the moment was ICE music paradise where I start off drumming for my 1st ever punk rock band. On the other hand, metal/nu-metal bands (Hallimunan and AXAXAX) do emerged alongside with skinhead bands (bashing and kasi pecah itu hip hop scooters kid).
Where do you like to chill out at ?
1. bukit saga mamak permandangan seluruh KL
2. sg gabai ikan baker spot
3. jonker street ( ma hood, you know what I’m saying)
4. any sorts of gigs/venues
5. and foremost, cyber cafes with lan gaming (This is true. very very true- jon)
8. What is your favourite band to work with?
I really enjoy working with all the bands that I've been attached to:- previously and currently but, frankly speaking, Ihsan from They Will Kill Us All is by far, the most comfortable person to work with. He is very confident about his playing and the techniques/variations as well as strokes on the drums. I could easily express my drumming approach and opinions with him without being shy and we can talk a lot about drums.
Cheers Khim. Inspiration lah.
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